Our pipeline leading students to research

The Institute is modeled as a pipeline of educational activities leading to the final phase, a paid internship program in which students work for a month of the summer, mentored by established scholars or technologists in their field of interest.

The pipeline consists of the following steps, which are all free of cost, and the final of which pays the students. Picking and choosing is fine: they do not have to be done in order.

any time from 6th grade up

serious computer programming for youth workshops – a 10-hour workshop that teaches to program in python, on Linux, with emphasis on the command line and using a programming editor.

after the workshops

drop-in fortnightly mini-courses, in which students write small programs in a wide range of research-related areas, from visualization to mathematics to science to digital humanities and more.

research skills academy

a 3-week summer program aimed at immersing students into the variety of non computational techniques that the Institute considers important for a young researcher.

math and science working groups

working groups of students who want to go beyond what is taught in their schools, including Taylor series, Fourier series, numerical solutions to differential equations, and physics with calculus.

after tenth, 11th, or 12th grade

paid summer internship – a 4-week summer program in which students are paid to work full time on a single research project. This is modeled on the Los Alamos student programs – focus on full-time research work. This final stage is in-person in Santa Fe, Portland, and Austin.

The pipeline materials are taught from free/open-source/open-access web books written by by co-founder Mark Galassi, a research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, with significant contributions from current and former students in the pipeline.

Please contact us with questions on any of these steps – email: mark@galassi.org – phone: +1-505-629-0759.